

Picasa's Export to Folder feature allows you to save multiple pictures at once. Edits in Picasa are non-destructive, meaning they do not change your files on disk. If you want to save your pictures, resize, or change the quality settings, you should use the Export to Folder tool.


To Export Pictures

1. Select one or more pictures and click the Export button.

2. Choose the Location of exported folder. This is the directory where your exported files will be saved.

3. Enter the name of your folder in the Name of exported folder box.

4. Select Image Size and Image Quality options

Image size: Export at original size or enter a custom pixel size

Image Quality: Select the JPEG Quality you want. For highest quality, use 85% or higher.

5. If you are exporting a movie file, choose between exporting the first frame only, or the entire movie.

6. Click OK to finish your export.  Your pictures will be exported and on disk in the location you specified in step 2.